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What is sailing… on Baltic Sea

Dictionary defines sailing as:
„the action of sailing in a ship or boat“
„ a voyage made by a ferry or cruise ship, especially according to a planned schedule“
„an act of beginning a voyage or of leaving a harbour“
Questions might arise that which definition we might use to describe our sailing adventure.
Well, to be honest none of the above are correct. We would describe sailing with us as:
„Seeing Tallinn with a new perspective, a voyage that You wouldn´t get anywhere else in the world nor would another sailing trip with us be the same.“

Definition of Baltic Sea…
Atlantic Ocean being the closest large waterbody, Baltic Sea is prolongation of that ocean. Baltic Sea is mostly rounded by Sweden, Finland, Russia, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Germany and Denmark. Now if we go a bit further east. There is a part of Baltic Sea called Gulf of Finland, which is like inner sea of Estonia, Finland and Russia. Now we are at Gulf of Finland and if we head bit south towards Tallinn there is Tallinn Bay.
This is the bay in which our sailing tour takes place.
Division and borders of Tallinn Bay…
Tallinna reid, Kopli Bay, Kakumäe bay and Paljassaare Bay are the components and beaches of Tallinn Bay. The borders of Tallinn Bay is Viimsi Peninsula from the east, and from the north, the borders are islands Naissaar and Aegna.
Waters of Tallinn Bay…
Tallinn Bay coast waters are flat but deep swiftly. Tallinn Bay has a brusque slant, which enables for hearty water exchange with the waters of the Gulf of Finland. Tallinn Bay is one of the profound bays in Estonia, max depth is about 100 m.
Fun facts about Baltic Sea…
1. The sea has a surface area of 377,000 square kilometers (146,000 square miles).
2.The Baltic Sea has shore length of about 8,000 kilometers(5,000 miles).
3.The maximum depth is 459 meters(1,506 feet) and average depth is 55 meters (180 feet) below the sea’s surface.
4. It is known that since 1720, the Baltic Sea has frozen over entirely a total of 20 times – the most recent case was in early 1987.
More Fun facts about Baltic Sea…
5. On average, the Baltic Sea is iced in winter for roughly half of its surface area. The ice reaches its maximum extent in February or March; typical ice thickness in the northernmost areas in the Bothnian Bay, the northern basin of the Gulf of Bothnia, is about 70 centimeters (28 inches) for landfast sea ice. The thickness decreases farther south.
6. Commercial fishing in the Baltic Sea has a long tradition in all surrounding countries. Today, the most important commercially exploited fish species are cod, sprat and herring, with sprat and herring making up around 85 percent of total catches.
Tallinn Sprat…
Based on the last fact Estonian most famous product from Baltic Sea is canned sprat (which every Estonian person knows).
A spicy sprat product called “Tallinn sprats” are made from fall-winter Baltic sprat. In the latter part of the 18th century sprats were caught in Paldiski, Tallinn and Saaremaa in the autumn and made like anchovies, the price of a barrel was 1 ruble. In the 1780s, poor widows in Tallinn kept sprats in small barrels with bay leaves and English spices. The product became known as “Rewaller Killo” (“Revalskije Kilki” in Russia).
“Tallinn sprats” received many accolades including gold and silver awards from several local and international exhibitons like: Moscow, Berlin, Lübeck, Danzig, Bergen, Baden-Baden, etc.
As “Tallinna kilud” was not patented as a trademark, Latvian, Lithuanian, Polish and German manufacturers also started selling their preserved sprat under the name “Tallinna kilu”. Production from elsewhere was way cheaper. Estonian fishermen protested, but to no hope.
So join us and make Your dream come true, by sailing on Baltic Sea!