Is Tallinn worth visiting?

1050, that’s the date when the first fortress was built in Tallinn. The name ”Tallinn” comes from Estonian words ”Taani linnus” meaning ”Danish castle” . The city regained it’s final independence in 1990 after many successive waves of occupation from Germany, Sweden, Russia, again Germany and again from Russia. Estonian capital was pretty fortunate because it wasn’t ever fully destroyed , pillaged or razed, even after II World War. Today, Tallinn’s Old Town is one of the most best preserved medieval cities in Europe. What you will find there is a complex of interesting history with a very impressive UNESCO heritage.

What are the top attractions to visit in Tallinn?

The film of Christopher Nolan, Tenet, takes us to completely new and adventurous reality with time manipulation and impressive action scenes. The whole movie was filmed in seven different countries across the globe, including Estonia. Stay with us and have a look on our guide which will take you for a short trip through all the locations in Tallinn. We are more than happy to show you the capital of Estonia from the view of Tenet and its fantastic crew.

Tenet, locations in Tallinn